DMCA Policy

DMCA Policy for M Fahad Iqbal WD&D:

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) aims to safeguard content creators from internet piracy by preventing unauthorized publication of their work.

This law primarily targets websites where content contributors remain anonymous or where the platform serves as a medium for content sharing and publishing.

We uphold a strict policy to address any infringement notice and take necessary actions promptly.

This DMCA policy pertains to the “” website (referred to as the “Website” or “Service”) and all associated products and services, outlining how the Website operator (referred to as “Operator”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) deals with copyright infringement notifications and how users (referred to as “you” or “your”) can submit such complaints.

Protecting intellectual property is paramount; we expect our users and their representatives to adhere to the same standards. Our policy is to swiftly respond to clear notifications of alleged copyright infringement, complying with the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of 1998, accessible on the U.S. Copyright Office website.

Our DMCA Policy has been generated with the assistance of the ToolsPrince DMCA Policy Generator.

Considerations before filing a copyright complaint:

If uncertain about the material’s infringement, seeking legal advice before notifying us is advisable.

DMCA mandates the inclusion of personal information in infringement notifications. If privacy concerns arise regarding your data, please address them.

Infringement Notifications:

Copyright owners or their representatives believing that material on our Services violates their copyrights may submit a written copyright infringement notification (“Notification”) using the provided contact details under the DMCA. Such Notifications must comply with DMCA requirements.

Filing a DMCA complaint initiates a predefined legal process. We review complaints for accuracy, validity, and completeness. If satisfactory, our response may involve removing or restricting access to the allegedly infringing material.

Should we take action on a Notification by removing materials or restricting access, we’ll endeavor to inform the affected user about the action taken.

Despite the terms outlined in this Policy, the Operator retains the discretion to refrain from action upon receipt of a DMCA copyright infringement notification failing to meet all DMCA requirements.

This Policy does not restrict our ability to pursue additional remedies for suspected infringement.

Changes and Amendments:

We reserve the right to amend this Policy or its terms concerning the Website and Services at our discretion. Notice of such modifications will be provided on the Website’s main page and via email. Other forms of notice may also be employed, as deemed appropriate.

An updated version of this Policy becomes effective immediately upon posting unless stated otherwise. Your continued use of the Website and Services after the effective date constitutes acceptance of the changes.

Reporting Copyright Infringement:

To report infringing material or activities, please contact us via the provided email address.


Expect a response within 1-2 business days.

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